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GP Mast 200

GP Mast 200 97.00 USD

GP Mast 200

General information:

Injectable Anabolic Androgenic Steroid
10 mL Vial
200 mg/mL
Geneza Pharmaceuticals
Administration: By Intramuscular Injection


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Buy Legit GP Mast 200 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals

GP Mast 200 by Geneza Pharmaceuticals is an injectable steroid which contains the hormone Drostanolone Enanathate 150mg, Drostanolone Propionate 50mg.

Geneza Pharmaceuticals offers Drostanolone in two different preperations: 100mg per ML as Drostanolone Propionate and 200mg per ML as Drostanolone Enanthate/Drostanolopne Propionate blend.

Masteron, as it is often called, is most commonly used by bodybuilders who are in the “cutting” phase of their training and dieting. While only mildly anabolic, this steroid extremely androgenic and because of this, brings about a very pronounced amount of hardness and definition to the muscles. On top of this, GP Mast 200 is also noted as being an effective estrogen blocker, and also binds to SHBG, making it possible for other steroids being used to bind more easily to their respective receptors, thus making their presence in the body much more effective. These effects are also noted by bodybuilders who choose to use the oral preparation of Masteron, Proviron.

Bodybuilders looking to incorporate GP Mast 200 into a cycle might stack it with other steroids such as Trenbolones, Testosterone propionate, and oral compounds such as Stanozolole or Halotestin to bring about an even more pronounced amount of definition and hardness leading up to a contest.

Common androgenic side effects are possible with Masteron, such as oily skin and increased libido. Due to its extremely androgenic properties, this drug is not a favorite among women bodybuilders, although most serious competitors still choose to use it due to its effectiveness as a pre-contest drug. Males typically use a dosage of this steroid ranging from 300-600mgs per week while women typically prefer a dosage range of 100-300mgs per week. This drug is often injected once every 2-3 days to help maintain consistent blood levels.



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